Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTO’s)
Pierce Steel produces high-efficiency Regenerative Thermal Oxidizers (RTO’s). Our quality RTO’s reduce VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds), hydrocarbons, solvents, and HAPs (Hazardous Air Pollutants) emissions from solvents and odors otherwise released from printing, coating, paint spraying, pharmaceutical, chemical, food processing and other manufacturing processes.

RTO’s are the most widely used emission abatement technology because of their ability to repurpose the thermal energy generated during operation to reduce operating costs and energy consumption of the system itself. Our RTO’s can be made from a multitude of materials to meet your specific application and environment including carbon steel, all grades of stainless steel and 2205 duplex stainless.
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Other Custom Products
We also make load rated work tables and mold tables. Our OSHA compliant work tables can be made to any size and capacity. Certificate of conformance for the design is included with all orders. Use the RFQ tab to request a quote. Note the size (length, width and height) and the weight that you want each table to hold.

Saw Horses/Jack Stands
All of our heavy duty steel sawhorses are designed and stamped by a Professional Engineer. All fabrication and welding is done by American Welding Society (AWS) certified welders to AWS D1.1 Structural Steel Welding Code. We have Inspection Test Plans…
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Work Tables/Benches
Pierce Steel manufactures an extensive line of heavy duty steel work tables and tool & die mold tables. These OSHA compliant workbenches are designed and stamped by a Professional Engineer and can be made to any size and capacity.
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Industrial Ductwork
Custom industrial ducts are one of our specialties at Pierce Steel. We have the experience and expertise to fabricate ductwork to withstand corrosive and high temperate environments. Whether you are looking for a replacement piece to existing ductwork…
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Stairs, Platforms & Ladders
At Pierce Steel Fabricators Inc., we apply over 130 years of experience in metal working as a core strength in building various stairs, railings, ladders, and platform fabrications.
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Metal Fabrication
From heavy plate weldments for large, oversized steel fabrication to metal tanks or hoppers for your storage needs to steel firepits and metal signs for businesses or personal space.
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